Relief for Johnson...for now.

Looks like Super Sport United coach Cavin Johnson gets to live another days as United coach. The former Platinum Stars coach is under pressure from his bosses and win over newly promoted Chippa United easy that pressure..for now.
There’s no other way to put it but Johnson numbers as United coach are numbered, even the club director of Football Stan Matthews had this to say.
“Cavin has a lot of pressure on him and moving forward it will be high pressure.”
The club is not happy with the way things are looking. With number of quality of players been signed it’s expected that Johnson to challenge for the league. It didn’t start well when they lost the opening game of the season 1-0 against Bidvest Wits.
I must say even if they say the coach has been fired tomorrow I would be surprise since he took over last season the team hasn’t clinked and it looks like he can’t get the best out the talent he ahs in his disposal.
We shall wait and see if he’ll end the year as the United coach.

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