Kapini waiting on South African permanent residency permit

AmaZulu goalkeeper Tapuwa Kapini is still waiting for his South African permanent residency permit, currently the 29-year old former Platinum Stars goalkeeper is ineligible to play for the club until his papers are sorted out.

According the club PRO Philani Mabaso Usuthu says the paper is still in progress but they not sure if the player will be available for they next league game against Newly promoted Mpumalanga Black Aces.

“We’re still working on the paperwork, the application is in progress but we can’t really say how long it’s going to take,” he tells AmaZulus’s official website.

“The player is not registered with the PSL yet but he’s still part of the team.”

Former Moroka Swallows goalkeeper Aubrey Mathibe was in goals when AmaZulu beat Orlando Pirates during the opening league fixture and is expected to continue in goals until Kapini’s papers are sorted.

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